As the old adage goes, “Christmas is all about giving”. Hence, I had a field day shopping for Christmas presents for all the girls just days before Christmas! JW also came along to lend his support by carrying all the bags. 😛

pink floral lace dress from Clubcouture

We dropped by some accessory shops like Green Petals but no other shop held my attention like the way Dip Drops did. Ever since I discovered Dip Drops, I’ve been wanting to buy down the entire shop, and I would have done just that if not for the fact that most of the clothes were way too warm for our weather. I did however end up getting almost everything that I bought for the girls for myself too, save for those items that were already out of stock. Well, to be clear, JW bought those for me as Christmas prezzies. 😉

We stopped for a quick coffee at Blue Mountain Cafe before we continued shopping. The coffee is reputed to be good, but I can’t say the same for the other non-caffeinated drinks. I can’t remember what soda I had but it tasted like toothpaste. :S

Being the impulsive, erm..I mean efficient shopper that I am, we managed to squeeze in time for a movie (Mission Impossible 4, which was excellent by the way) and dinner thereafter at Xin Wang Cafe. I’m usually not a fan of HK cafes, but I love the spicy minced pork porridge and the iced peach tea at Xin Wang. There’re real peaches in the iced peach tea, which adds punch to the drink, but I don’t eat peaches so JW and Jun always end up stealing them.

Silly me decided to try the grass jelly drink instead that day. Huge mistake. I’m staying loyal to my iced peach tea from now on.

How did your Christmas shopping go? I love all the presents that I received this year and I hope the girls liked what I got for them too!

For those of you who are still on leave, enjoy the rest of the week!