Karen, Eunice and I attended the Desti Saint Maddie Collection Launch Party at Emily Hill recently and boy were we excited to see all the gorgeous bags on display!
The Maddie Collection is all about total luxury without breaking the bank. The leather used is so buttery soft and luxurious, I literally couldn’t take my hands off the bags. Here’re some of my favourites:

This beautiful clutch has such a lovely texture and colour, it really stands out from the crowd.

No Desti Saint bag is complete without the designers’ signature tassels and oriental metal sphere. They’re so distinctive and outstanding, you wouldn’t miss it from afar. I like the originality of the designs and how they’re instant conversation starters. The chances of you getting caught dead with the same bag as someone else at a party are almost zilch. 

 Desti also gave us a sneak preview of some leathers that she would be incorporating in her next bag collection. Aren’t they gorgeous? We were marveling at the intricate details and the softness of the leather. I’m so excited to see what will be in store for Desti Saint’s next collection!

To mark the launch of the Maddie collection, a cake was made in the form of Desti Saint’s signature bag. It looked exactly like the real thing, don’t you think?

Seriously, all eyes were on the cake when it was presented to Desti. No one could believe that this work of art is actually edible!

We also had a great time chatting with Desti about her designs. She is such a sweet, affable and personable lady, it’s hard not to fall in love with her!

As the night drew to an end, the three of us decided it was time to take some photos of ourselves.

We also took turns to pose with Eunice’s new purchase. LOL She couldn’t resist buying this gorgeous bag. I love its soft metallic sheen and versatility. It goes with practically everything!

Finally, here’s a parting shot of us at Emily Hill. The mansion here resembles Gaudi’s works in Barcelona so much that I felt I was back in Spain!

For more information on Desti Saint handbags, do check out their Facebook page here 

You can also see more of their designs at their website here