I usually gorge myself crazy whenever I’m in Sydney because the food is just too good to miss!

And of course, it definitely helps when you have newfound friends to share in the joy of eating. 😀 I love getting food recommendations from friends because quality is always assured!

I haven’t quite had a proper sit-down meal since I got back thanks to my busy work schedule, and these pictures really make me miss feasting with friends! Nowadays, even sleep has become a luxury! The only time when I don’t see my colleagues is when I sleep. LOL. Thank God they’re such a fun bunch of people to hang out with.

The good news is, I’ll be heading back really soon. Besides food, I realised I actually really enjoy taking long hikes in the company of nature. I may complain incessantly during the hike itself, but at the end of the day, I do feel rather accomplished when I complete a route. Needless to say, the scenery and close proximity to nature does invigorate one’s senses. It’s therapeutic for the soul too. 😉 Love the laid-back culture over there.

The laid-back culture in Australia also gives me less reason to dress up, especially for meals, but for some reason, JW seems to like this natural look much more.

I also love that my hair is now much longer. The best part is, I don’t have to style it at all. It stays arrow straight and smooth all day. YAY!