Now that my stay in Sydney has been extended (didn’t quite expect this but I’m really blessed to have the support of everyone around me) to the end of the year, I have more excuses to explore the city and venture out of my comfort zone. This mantra applies to both food and activities.

For some strange reason, I’ve been rockclimbing and dancing the past week, a routine that I fully intend to keep up with for the period that I’m here (Note: keyword here is INTEND). My aching body is a testament to my hard work, and what better way to reward myself than with a sumptuous meal at yet another newly discovered restaurant.

Porcorroso is a Jap-Italian fusion restaurant that we decided to try on a whim after JW read about it online. He sure looks pretty smug about his discovery here. Haha.

I ordered the mentaiko (spicy cod roe) pasta and devoured everything within the blink of an eye. I’ve never had mentaiko pasta that tasted this good and now I can’t wait to head there for lunch again!

Every strand of pasta was evenly coated with mentaiko and a refreshing burst of flavour thanks to the lemon zest, basil and seaweed concoction.

JW had the parma ham pizza, which was good, but nothing out of the ordinary because it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that it’s almost impossible to go wrong with parma ham and wild rocket.

We’ll probably head back here to try the other pizzas some other time, especially since the reviews online seem pretty promising. 🙂

25/33 Allen St Waterloo 2017

Porcorosso on Urbanspoon