I might be overseas now and truth be told, yes I am having the time of my life.
I do like Sydney. After all, I have family here and they’re absolutely amazing.
Through them, I’ve gleaned valuable lessons about life, marriage and parenthood. Lessons which will stick with me forever and I’m eternally grateful for that.

Taking a year off work to live in another city has always been my dream, and I’m glad I can finally tick this item off my wish list. However, never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that I would miss Singapore this much. I miss my family, friends, the efficiency, the hawker food, attending events etc. I even miss working and the crazy traffic! I must be out of my mind.

We always complain that there’s nothing to do in Singapore, but when you’re blessed with good company, even a supposedly mundane activity can morph into something exciting.

Singapore will always hold a special place in my heart because everyone else who is dear to me is there and sometimes, all I want is hang around loved ones whom I’ve known since forever.

After all, home is where my heart is. 🙂