The word tweed usually conjures images of highly coveted Chanel jacket suits, which look terrific for work but are more often than not, too formal for a casual day out.

This Liz Lisa dress (again, thanks to Karen!)
is the antithesis of the Chanel style. In fact, the tweed skirt with
lace trimmings, topped with a cute red scarf tie, makes this dress the
epitome of preppy chic. 
We had just gone to the Glebe flea market, where JW snagged a vintage baseball jacket. I thought it matched my outfit that day and hence immediately claimed ownership of it. Funnily enough, the jacket transformed my outfit into what looks like a school uniform.

I’ve been living out of the same suitcase for a while now, so you can only imagine how thankful I am when friends contribute to my dwindling wardrobe! Which reminds me..I need to do a massive spring cleaning when I get back to Singapore. That way, I can share the love with friends too!

I also need to stock up on basics like white t-shirts, tanks and camisoles. Like how one of my readers, espenine, aptly pointed out, I’m always in girly, lacy, feminine clothes. LOL her comment totally cracked me up. It also dawned on me that I actually don’t own many basic tops. It’s probably about time that I incorporate some of these in my wardrobe, especially since they go well with practically everything.
If you’ve suggestions on where I can get good quality basic tops, please do share them with me! ๐Ÿ˜€

Meanwhile, have a great Sunday ahead! I’ll be off to Hunter Valley tomorrow and I’m looking forward to a relaxing day with wine and cheese. ๐Ÿ˜‰