Tucked in the corner along the streets of Katoomba is a gem of a cafe waiting to be unraveled.
I’ve heard so much about the beautiful decor of Common Ground Cafe from JW and friends. Coupled with the fact that it is ranked #2 on Tripadvisor’s list of restaurants in Katoomba, it was only natural that I had high expectations of this cafe.

And now for the moment of truth. I was enthralled by my surroundings the moment I stepped foot in this cozy cafe. The rustic decor and folk music wafting through the air reminded me of the set of Lord of the Rings. At that instant, we felt almost like hobbits returning to our humble abode!

We were led to a corner seat by one of the friendly owners (this cafe was set up by a group of friends). The story behind the setting up of this cafe is a meaningful one. The owners envisioned the cafe to be a place where human beings can all see beyond our own differences (wealth, rank etc.) into the hearts of others and eventually find a common ground where our hearts can find peace.

A common misconception that most people have about this place is that it is a Christian cafe. Instead, this cafe is operated by members of a Messianic community called The Twelve Tribes (they believe in Jesus too). Some articles claim that it is a cult that advocates female submission and disciplining children with canes, but from the looks of it, the people here seem more peace-loving and kind than anything else. 
For those of us who grew up in Asian societies, didn’t your parents use the cane on you when you were young? I for one, remember my mum using it on my brother and I when we were naughty, and while I don’t endorse this method of disciplining a child, I knew my mum did it entirely out of good intentions. Caning and lectures usually went hand in hand. But at the end of the day, I guess what matters is that both my brother and I turned out well! ๐Ÿ˜‰

 The food here is lovingly made with wholesome ingredients. I had the cheese and tomato melt (A$5.00) while JW had the BBQ Chicken Burger (A$11.50). All in all, I would say the food is very reasonably priced, tasty and not to mention healthy!

According to JW, who’s now a hardcore coffee addict, the coffee here is the best he has tried thus far in the Sydney and Blue Mountains region.  So coffee lovers, now you know where to go.

We liked the cafe so much that we took Felicia there on our next trip during the Leura Festival. More on that in a separate post. ๐Ÿ˜‰

 Remember to visit this quaint cafe if you’re planning to visit Katoomba at the Blue Mountains. It’s certainly an experience that you’ll never forget. ๐Ÿ˜‰