Everyone who has been to Melbourne would have gone on a road trip along the Great Ocean Road, where you’ll be treated to scenic views of the vast ocean expanse. I’m not exactly a fan of nature, unless the view is spectacular of course. In this case, I thought the scenery was rather monotonous. 
It was just us and the ocean, nothing else. For 4 hours.

Regardless, that didn’t stop us from getting out of the car to take photos along the way.

I was more excited about our lunch at The Bottle of Milk, a quaint establishment that sells some of the best burgers around.

Who else could’ve made me more excited about lunch than my very own Mr Grey?

Erm, maybe not. 

Now let’s focus on the burger, which is made of premium quality Australian beef. It’s yummy and humungous to boot! We ended up sharing, because as the age-old adage goes, sharing is caring.

After lunch, it was back to the Great Ocean. This time, we had a slightly different view.

There were rolling hills, green pastures and cows, just like the rural parts of Europe which I absolutely love.

After more rolling hills and what seemed like an eternity, we finally arrived at The Twelve Apostles. 

We were overwhelmed by the picturesque scenery around us. Naturally, we started snapping away, like every other tourist there. Until our DSLR died on us, that is.
 I know, there are probably only about 6 Apostles left (excluding the miserable stumps you see protruding from the sea surface) but let’s forget that and just take a moment to enjoy the beauty that mother nature has bestowed upon us. 
Although from certain angles, The Twelve Apostles actually look like The Three Sisters submerged in water. 😛

Ten minutes away from The Twelve Apostles, two shipwrecked survivors emerged from the sea at Loch Ard Gorge. I’m not referring to the two below though.
There were no shipwrecked survivors that day, but there was one fearless rockclimber.
Isn’t the photographer awesome? She’s also very skilled at multi-tasking. She was telling the rockclimber to be careful, sighing and rolling her eyes while the camera was rolling. 
Such are the perils of marrying a rockclimber. 
Sigh, my dog life.