By the time you read this, I would already be in New Zealand for a 15-day trip. I am a city girl at heart,  but I am just as awed by the beauty of nature and the sense of serenity it evokes.  A concrete jungle lined with rows of retail shops may be my cup of tea, but sometimes, I just want to get away from the main artery of the city and retreat into a land where all I see are trees, flowers and birds.

Sydney is perhaps the most bustling city in Australia, but it has its fair share of sprawling nature parks and trails, mere steps away from the horrendous traffic. One such park is Fagan Park, located in the neighbourhood of Dural.

 It’s incredible how quiet and tranquil this part of the city is. There was hardly anyone in sight!

Fagan Park pays homage to gardens from different countries. The gardens aren’t particularly well-maintained, but I do like the fact that they’re very secluded and you can just while your afternoon away in the company of nature.