I’m plagued with problem feet thanks to bunions (birth defect, not due to high heels) and a much longer second toe, hence it is an absolute pain for me to buy shoes from online stores without trying. As much as I longed to buy Jeffrey Campbell shoes, I had to resist the urge to give in every time because it’s hard to get hold of them in physical stores here, which means my best bet is to buy them online, which is not a problem if my feet weren’t this problematic. Thanks to my feet, I can never gauge what size to buy unless I get to try them on in real life!

So one fine day, I chanced upon a shop in Cineleisure by the name of P.V.S and there, sitting on the racks were Jeffrey Campbell shoes in different styles. It was a dream come true for me!

I’ve been eyeing Foxy Spike for the longest time. Hello there.

I always thought it would be impossible to wear shoes this high, but the raised platforms in front lower the arch significantly and make this a breeze to walk in.
I’m always in shorts during the weekend, and these shoes are the perfect complement to my weekend attire.

The spikes behind are exceptionally sharp though, so if you’re thinking of getting this pair, please be careful! However, if you look on the bright side, these shoes actually double up as weapons. If anyone tries to attack you, all you have to do is give them a kick and I’m pretty sure it’ll send them to the hospital. 
In case you were wondering, no, I wasn’t kidding when I said that. 😛


Mini spiked bangle from CCSkye (Shopbop)
Anchor ring from Accessorize

Chain bag (Gift from Jun)