Cervical Cancer is one of the most common cancers that Singaporean women are afflicted with, and what is frightening about this disease is that there can be few or no symptoms at the early stages of cervical cancer, making it difficult to detect.
In the later stage of cervical cancer, symptoms could include:
1) Abnormal bleeding inbetween periods
2) Abnormal bleeding after menopause
3) Abnormal bleeding during intercourse
4) Watery or Bloody Vaginal Discharge
5) Lower Abdominal Pain during Intercourse
Cervical cancer is a disease in which cells in the cervix grow abnormally and almost all cervical cancers are caused by a virus called HPV, a common virus that is typically spread through sexual activity. It is estimated that at least 80% of all women will get infected by HPV at least once in their lifetime. In the event that our body is unable to clear the virus and the HPV stays in our cervix, there is potential that it would become cervical cancer.
In line with this year’s Power Over Cervical Cancer campaign,there is a Power to Challenge initiative that everyone can participate in to drive awareness for cervical cancer!
Follow the 3 simple steps below and stand to win great prizes when you qualify for the grand lucky draw dip for the POWER TO CHALLENGE!

Step 1
Register online at http://goo.gl/woANJ or get your Challenge cards at the Participating Merchant stores.

Step 2
Complete at least 4 of the tasks and receive a stamp of completion from the participating merchants. Check out merchant deals at http://goo.gl/U7sHs

Step 3
Drop off your completed Challenge cards on May 26 at Power to Enjoy Retail Therapy Event at SCAPE warehouse before 5pm or mail back the completed Challenge Card to 112 Lavender street, Far East Refrigeration Building #03-02 by the 20 May 2013 to qualify for the Grand Lucky Draw.

The Grand Lucky Draw will be held during Power to Enjoy Retail Therapy on the May 26 at SCAPE warehouse.

Here are more details of the event on May 26:
Join now and have fun! Learn more about cervical cancer today!