We woke up bright and early for breakfast one Sunday at Grub. Alas, we weren’t early enough and ended up having to wait for about 45 minutes for a table. With so much time on our hands, we decided to take a stroll around Bishan Park, where Grub is located. 
The tranquil surroundings and fresh air awakened our senses. To a large extent, it calmed our nerves too as we were a little upset about the long wait for the table. You know how they say a hungry man is an angry man? The description cannot be more apt. On hindsight, the food was worth the wait and I will share more about their breakfast menu in a separate post.
 Now, for my outfit for the day. I don’t usually get out of the house this early on a Sunday, and JW took about an hour to wake me up from my deep slumber. The minute I got up, I slipped into the first dress that I saw in my wardrobe, threw on a contrasting statement necklace, grabbed my bag and dashed out of the house. 
I actually like the juxtaposition between the pastel dress and bold accessories, which explains the title of this post. To complete the look, I threw on a pair of nude heels to balance out the colours. Hope you like this ensemble as much as I do!

Dress from TippyJess
Bag from Hermes
Shoes from Zara