White is one of my favourite colours. I love experimenting with bold vibrant colours and prints, but on days when I can’t decide on what to wear, I’ll turn to my white outfits. Not only does white fabric provide the perfect canvas for accessorizing, it also exudes a clean, minimalist vibe and a touch of simple elegance. The epitome of purity and innocence, white outfits are always a breath of fresh air.

This light knit and lace 2 piece set from Japanese label Snidel is one of my most treasured finds during my recent trip to Hokkaido (I will be sharing more shopping tips soon!). I have always been a fan of Japanese apparel because design aside, there is always something special about the quality and workmanship.
In fact, all you need to do is touch the fabric and you’ll know these lovely pieces are made to last. That probably explains why I always stock up on classic pieces like these whenever I have the chance to lay my hands on Japanese apparel.
I am addicted to Japanese skincare too, in particular SKII. I have been using SKII for close to 2 months now and I have nothing but praises for their products, especially their star product, the facial treatment essence. I’m hoping it isn’t psychological, but I really do feel that my skin looks more rejuvenated and glowy, which is probably the reason why I don’t look as sick as I am in reality.
I was still
feeling pretty ill when this series of photos were taken, but I am now
happy to report that I am on my road to recovery. I can’t wait to be in
the pink of health again! The weather is so unbearably hot these days and everyone around me seems to be falling ill too, so please get enough sleep at night and stay hydrated throughout the day!
Outfit from Snidel (Japanese)
Socks from Tutuanna (Japanese)
Accessories, bags and shoes from random shops in Singapore
love the necklace