Why am I endorsing slimming treatments when I’m already so slim? As slim as I may be, cellulite around my thighs and stomach is a problem that I can’t run away from. 

Cellulite is the bane of most women, regardless of weight and size. You could be the slimmest and fittest woman around and still be plagued by cellulite. I’ve long heard about BodyPerfect and its award-winning treatments from SimplyHer magazine, hence my interest was piqued.

BodyPerfect provides a multi-modality slimming approach based on years of R&D for the most effective slimming solutions in the market. Many of their treatments are award-winning and backed by Singapore celebrities such as Constance Song, Joey Swee and ex-Singapore Idol contestant Olinda Cho.

the actual treatment commenced, I was ushered to a consultation room to
fill up a questionnaire on my health condition and lifestyle habits.

 A thorough body analysis based on my current height and weight was also done to give my consultant an in-depth understanding of what my ideal weight and fat percentage should be. BodyPerfect’s concept of slimming goes beyond weight loss measurement. Any dramatic weight loss from a single visit is usually attributed to just water loss. BodyPerfect’s treatments control fat cells by passively activating fat burn without exercise while retaining the body’s natural curves and contours. This is the reason why most clients who adhere to BodyPerfect’s treatment plans do not suffer from “yo-yo” weight fluctuations and stay satisfied with their results.
BodyPerfect is a pioneer in SpotReduction slimming. Many of us, despite not being overweight, have flabby or problematic areas that we wish to get rid of. The arms, hips and tummy are common problem areas.

Naturally, it didn’t take long for my consultant to conclude that I was underweight, but there were certain problem areas that I could do without. For a more detailed physical assessment, I was brought to the treatment room for a quick change of attire.

While I expressed
that my main concern was my tummy (I’ve lost my abs as I haven’t been
exercising as regularly as I should), my consultant expertly pointed out
that in comparison to my tummy, my upper thighs warrant more immediate
attention as they make my lower body look disproportionately larger. A look in the mirror was all it took to confirm that her assessment was entirely accurate. 
After my body measurements were taken, I was introduced to my therapist who promptly began to work her magic.
The first step in SpotReduction is to blast fat cells away with LipoCavitation Technology. The machine is used in a circular motion on the area to be treated for about 15-20 minutes. There was no discomfort at all and it felt more like a gentle massage.

A stimulating massage was next on the cards to soften the fat cells and drain them away. Drifting off to slumberland proved challenging with all the kneading, squeezing and tapping as the therapist attempted to exorcize all the cellulite and banish them to oblivion. It was slightly painful but definitely tolerable. 

At the end of the massage, my thighs immediately felt softer, signaling that it was time to burn off the broken down fat cells. I was covered in a thermal Infra-red ceramic wrapping system for about 20 minutes for fat burn to take place. 
In the third and final step, BodyPerfect’s Fat Mobiliser System was then used to wrap around my upper thigh area. I was advised to stand up for the next 20 minutes for this part of the treatment to enhance the detox and drainage process as a result of fat burning.
The body wrap felt icy cold to the touch initially but within minutes, the unique formula that BodyPerfect uses in tandem with this treatment causes your body to start heating up to burn away the fats. This combination of hot and cold therapy purportedly helps with both inch and weight loss. I was also asked to increase my water intake and avoid soft drinks till the next day to aid in the detox process. 

And now for the most important question. Did I see any results at all? 
I’ll let my before and after measurements speak for themselves:

H refers to the upper thigh while M and L refer to the middle and lower thigh respectively. As you can see from the numbers above, I lost 1 inch on both my upper thighs instantaneously after just one session! Although
visible inch loss can be achieved in just one treatment, a series of
treatments is recommended for longer lasting results. 
My hubby, who is my number one critique, also commented that my thighs looked slimmer, which made my legs look straighter as well. I am definitely impressed.

Complimentary Visit for BodyPerfect’s 7 Day Slimming Experience
Do you have flabby areas that wouldn’t go away despite exercise? If you’re interested in evaluating how BodyPerfect’s Slimming Programme can work for you, head on down to SampleStore.com to redeem your 7 day slimming experience here.

You will receive a complimentary first visit, and after your second visit within the week, you will be given a $300 voucher to be used in their stores. You will also be provided with SmartFibre to detox your body.
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