[This post was written by Isabelle, a permanent writer on Shopping Queen’s Haven.]

Isn’t it true that hair completes a look? Perhaps that’s why we always bemoan bad hair days, as we instinctively feel the difference that great hair makes us look and feel.
It was therefore a pleasure to learn more about hair care and hair health from Svenson, the leading expert in solutions in hair and scalp problems with over 40 years of trichological expertise and knowledge. The scalp is actually an extension of our skin, so just as we spend lots of time and effort on our facial care and body care, we should not neglect our scalp. And indeed we’ll be thankful for it later when we do not need to battle hair loss problems, but enjoy the benefits of luscious, healthy, shiny hair!
Debunking Hair Myths
During the Svenson expert talk, they did a careful analysis of my hair and scalp, and also shared many professional tips that debunk hair myths we might have believed in.
Did you know that it is recommended to use combs with wooden bristles, as plastic bristles cause greater static and frizz? When applying styling products, you should also avoid getting them onto the scalp. Also, always wash your hair daily, especially in our hot and humid weather.
I have to admit that many years of hair dye and perms have inevitably caused damage to my hair. More importantly, I also need to continue to take care of my scalp to ensure my hair follicles can grow healthily.
That explained why I was really excited to try the treatments and shampoos, and immediately tried the entire regime as soon as I got home after the Svenson event.

Svenson Trichology Pre-Shampoo Treatment
Firstly, I applied the Svenson Trichology Pre-Shampoo Treatment to unwashed scalp, section by section. Then I used my fingertips to gently massage it into my scalp, left it for 2 minutes, and rinsed it off. So simple!
During the 2 minutes, what did I do? I was reading the label (I really like reading up on products): Svenson products are a concentrated blend of carefully selected botanicals and protective herbs combined with advanced bio-chemical technology, designed to help you achieve healthy scalp and strong beautiful hair. Sounds promising.
Svenson Volumizing Shampoo
Next, I started my hair wash. All it took was a small amount (around 50 cent size) of the Volumizing Shampoo rubbed in palm to create a very nice lather that I massaged through from scalp to ends, then washed.
I loved how the rich lather thoroughly cleansed my hair and scalp without stripping my hair of its natural oils.

Svenson PLGA Total Solution
And finally, the crowning jewel : Svenson’s PLGA Total Solution!
It is one of Svenson’s best-selling hair care treatments, and is a breakthrough Do-It-Yourself home treatment that combines remarkable properties of the rare Loquat leaf and nanotechnology to produce noticeably thicker, fuller-looking hair for those suffering from thinning hair. 
The key active compound extracted from the Loquat leaf is Corosolic acid, traditionally used as a herbal medicine. It encourages better blood circulation and manages testosterone level, often the primary cause of hair loss.
The PLGA Total Solution is to be applied daily after hair wash using a light head massage on problem areas, and a typical complete treatment process will take six months of consistent application. But the great news is, from as early as two months, a gradual increase in fine hair growth at alopecia neurotic areas might start to appear.

Do the products work?

Every time after I wash my hair, I experience a huge amount of hair fall. When I shared my concerns with the Svenson Expert, I was assured that hair fall after each hair wash is normal. We should not be afraid to wash our hair daily simply because we are worried about the amount of hair fall each time. After all, as they shared, the hair would fall, regardless of wash or not. Instead, washing daily and then applying the treatment is the proper way to treat and regain healthy scalp and hair. This was indeed reassuring to hear!
And the results speak for themselves. After I finished washing my hair and treating my scalp that night, I did my daily blow dry (remember not to sleep with a wet scalp), and I was so excited with the results that I immediately texted my friend to say it was amazing how my hair felt so light and bouncy. I could truly feel the difference. It was such a pity that night to sleep with my happy-looking hair (or rather, I was happy, haha!). I have been faithfully using the products these 3 weeks, and I can attest to the great results.
Besides using these products, I have been religiously following the Svenson 5-Step Massage to increase circulation, facilitate absorption and release tension.
Remember, do not hesitate to kick-start a good hair and scalp regime. You will certainly reap the benefits for a long time to come!
About the writer Isabelle:
An MBTI personality profile that believes in making the world a better place (one starfish at a time), Isabelle is a communications professional who enjoys creating good memories for others, and balances realism with a healthy dose of joie de vivre and can-do positivity. 