I used to feel this way all the time whenever I open my closet. And because I think I have nothing to wear, I go shopping. It’s a vicious cycle that never stops really. I have to clear my wardrobe all the time to make space for new clothes and the amount of wastage generated is just embarrassing. There are pieces that I’ve worn only once and have never seen the light of day again because they’re no longer in trend or I just don’t fancy them anymore. In the worst case scenario, some are brand new with tags on – impulse buys obviously.
Does this sound all too familiar to you? Today, I’m going to share the solution to your problems.
Did you know that Style Theory, a new designer clothing subscription service in Singapore that gives you access to unlimited designer clothes at just S$109 a month? It was only when I decided to declutter my wardrobe and curb my shopping habits that I found out about this amazing deal.
Besides unlimited designer clothes, you get to save time, wardrobe space and all that moolah that goes to shopping and dry cleaning. Imagine how much I could have saved if I had kicked my nasty habits earlier!
Here’s how it works:
The entire process is fuss-free! The app automatically selects outfits for you based on your style preferences and measurements. Plus, there’s no need to do any laundry (BIG YAY please!) and you can easily schedule a return which comes prepaid whenever you’re ready. I picked out my first box of 3 gorgeous pieces from Style Theory recently and they arrived in an elegant marble print box.
Here are some of the pieces I picked:
Thai designer – The Only Son (@theonlyson_studio)
Top from Patinya//Shorts from Cameo
This is one of the best ways to declutter your wardrobe and always have something nice to wear. Isn’t it great to have the best of both worlds?
Just look at all the brands that you’ll have instant access to:
Interested in subscribing too? Click here to join the waitlist!
Why is there a waitlist? Style Theory is currently in the soft launch stage. When it is formally launched, the first group of ladies on the waitlist will receive an invitation to subscribe to their service. They’ll gradually open up more slots to the next group on the waitlist.
To avoid any disappointment, I would highly recommend that you join the waitlist now!
Hi Regina, I have exactly the same problem. A wardrobe full of clothes and nothing to wear. Needless to say, my hubby doesn’t share my frustrations. Will definitely check out Style Theory.
Emily @ LiiLooDesigns.com