Have I had work done on my face? I have no idea why, but I seem to get this question pretty often.

Well, to answer that question, I did try fillers and sculptra about 2-3 years ago but the effects have already worn off by now. While I’m happy with the way I look with or without any of these injectibles, it has always been my wish to get rid of stubborn pigmentation on my upper cheeks. No one is born perfect, and for me, pigmentation is my biggest gripe as I am genetically predisposed to it.

It only worsens with age if left untreated, and it doesn’t help even if I apply sunblock religiously. You can’t tell that I have pigmentation because I cover up pretty well, but I definitely look forward to the day when I can go completely bare-faced without these hideous spots!

Traditional treatments require a lot of downtime and it just doesn’t make sense to undergo so much pain and inconvenience when I have work, events and advertorials on my plate. I couldn’t be more excited when Dr Ram from The Wellness Clinic (TWC) Aesthetics introduced me to a new laser treatment called the Cutera Enlighten pico second laser. I was told that TWC Aesthetics is the first aesthetics clinic in Singapore and Southeast Asia to bring in this revolutionary technology.

What’s special about Cutera Enlighten pico second laser?

Are you genetically prone to pigmentation like me? Or perhaps you have birthmarks, tattoos or just surface pigmentation that you wish to get rid of?

If you face any of the issues above and yet do not wish to be affected by the downtime resulting from conventional laser treatments or be subjected to possible side effects (sometimes, aggressive treatments may further aggravate your pigmentation problem and cause it to worsen instead), this is your best bet.

What’s special about this laser is that it is able to penetrate deeply to target the root of the issue without damaging the surrounding skin. That equates to zero downtime, which is perfect for our busy lifestyle.

Is it effective?

I had my first session done a week ago and Dr Ram told me in all honesty that I wouldn’t see significant results after just one session. Reason being, the process of breaking down the pigments is very gentle and gradual to prevent collateral damage to the surrounding skin and possible aggravation of the issue (uh huh, those spots can potentially fight back with a vengeance if they are not treated carefully). Follow-up sessions once every fortnight are required for the next 2-3 months to completely eradicate the pigmentation.

Does it hurt and is there really no downtime?

Numbing cream was used prior to the treatment, hence all I felt was a slight tingling sensation. I experienced some redness immediately after the treatment, but that was easily covered up with concealer. Give it an hour or two and your skin is back to normal. I even went for a friend’s birthday celebration right after.

 I’ll be heading down for my second session next week, so stay tuned to this space if you’re interested to find out more about my skin’s progress!


TWC Aesthetics Clinic


Camden Medical Centre


S (248649)

Contact No.:

6887 3073

Opening Hours:

Mon-Fri: 10am – 6pm

Sat: 10am – 2pm