Did you become more ‘prosperous’? Why are you so skinny? You should eat more! These are just some of the more common questions that pop up during Chinese New Year gatherings. While our relatives may be genuinely concerned about how we are leading our lives, they may not understand that these questions put many of us in a difficult position.

Year after year, I get questions about whether I am eating enough or if I have worms in my tummy because I am so skinny. The truth is, I have a very healthy appetite. In fact, my friends can attest that I have a voracious appetite but I just don’t put on weight as easily.

So, how do I deal with such awkward situations?

Putting on Your A-Game Look

Start by having confidence in yourself. Personally, I find that dressing well and putting your best foot forward gives me that extra boost of confidence. To dress well, pick out clothes in colours that suit your skin tone. Know what your best and worst features are and choose clothes that flatter your body shape. For me, I try to pick clothes with ruffles or details that give me more ‘volume’. It works because I realized I don’t get questions about my weight as often as before!

Sounds easier said than done?

Here’s some useful advice from Lunch Actually’s image consultant Celeste Bo:

THOSE Questions That You Get When You Are Single

What about other questions like:

When are you getting married? Are you attached? When are you having children?

I for one, always have to brace myself for questions related to procreation every Chinese New Year.

These questions are harder to answer in my opinion. But, I have come to realize that being honest instead of evasive or negative makes a difference. Just let your relatives know that you are actively looking for a partner, trying your best to start a family and give them a wide smile. More often than not, they’ll let it pass.

Here’re some other tips that you can pick up from Lunch Actually’s Senior Dating Consultant Andrea Tan:

Finding Love This New Year

Now that you have enough ammunition to counter all the awkward questions that you’ll face this Chinese New Year, perhaps it’s about time to sit down and think about how you can truly find love this new year?

Many of my friends who are single lament about the lack of opportunities to meet new people. How do you expand your social circle to meet more people? Do you know what you want in a partner?

Gather some tips from Lunch Actually’s Senior Dating Consultant, Joy Tay:

I’m sure most of us need no introduction to Lunch Actually, which offers personal, discreet and secure dating service to working professionals like you and I. What’s great about their service is that a screening process is conducted for each and every individual, and the dating consultants go the extra mile to understand more about your lifestyle, interests and character to find a high quality match for you. Psychological, intellectual and physical factors are taken into consideration too.

More importantly, rest assured that your personal information including photographs and contact details are kept confidential as only your first name will be disclosed to the other party. Everything is arranged for you on the backend by their dating consultants based on your availability and preferences. Once a match is found, all you have to do is turn up at the restaurant!

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