Wanna relieve common problems such as fatigue, constipation and backache during pregnancy? Perhaps Tian Yuan Xiang Chicken Essence (滴鸡精) will come in handy! A popular brand in Taiwan, I couldn’t be happier when they finally set up shop in Singapore during my second trimester! One of my girlfriends couldn’t stop waxing lyrical about the benefits of this tasty chicken essence hence I’ve been taking Tian Yuan Xiang’s chicken essence as a dietary supplement ever since I could get my hands on them here.

Why Tian Yuan Xiang?

Their chicken essence tastes different from what you usually get off the shelves. It tastes just like freshly brewed chicken broth. In fact, it’s so delicious, I look forward to drinking it every morning.

Their chicken essence is as pure as it can possibly get and there aren’t any added preservatives or water at all. What’s even more interesting is that they rear their own free-range, hormone-free chickens so preggy ladies like us can have absolute peace of mind.

The best way to ensure optimal absorption is to consume the chicken essence on an empty stomach every morning. Alternatively, you can have it with or after your meals, preferably before 4pm to prevent insomnia at night. All you have to do is to thaw a packet in the microwave or by boiling it over the stove and you’ll get to savour a piping hot bowl of natural chicken essence. How very convenient.

While I never had backache (thankfully!), I was plagued by fatigue and constipation, particularly at the start of my third trimester. I was so tired most of the time and my energy level was at an all-time low. I used to drink their Pure Chicken Essence (no herbs at all) once to twice a week in my second trimester but I  decided it was time to up my game with their Original Chicken Essence and Chicken Essence with Eucommia.  These two flavours include pregnancy-safe herbs and are suitable not only for pregnant ladies but for postpartum care and breastfeeding ladies too. You can also share these flavours with the rest of your family as teenagers, adults and the elderly can take them too!

Original Chicken Essence

The original flavour includes wolfberries and red dates to boost vital energy and Qi, astragalus to strengthen your lungs and black dates to relieve constipation. Sure enough, constipation became a problem of the past for me once I started taking this. Quite miraculous if you ask me, and believe me, I tried eating bananas, vegetables, drinking more water etc. Nothing worked for me till this came along.

Chicken Essence with Eucommia

I don’t know about you, but I’m constantly thirsty during pregnancy. My mouth feels dry all the time and skin breakouts are now as regular as my visits to the toilet. I swear I spot new spots emerging at different times of the day. Well, according to TCM, this is linked to the body’s heatiness and Tian Yuan Xiang’s Chicken Essence with Eucommia contains several Chinese herbs to dispel heatiness, aid with insomnia (yup that’s me at 2am) and constipation, and nourish blood. The star ingredient here, Eucommia, helps to relieve backaches too. After taking this, I feel less thirsty and my skin doesn’t look as bad as it did before, plus I do sleep much better now. Not preggy? That’s fine. If you’re used to pulling all nighters, you can try this too!

Nourish Your Family

Do you feel that you’ve been neglecting your hubby ever since you got preggy?  Now, you can treat the man to some Tian Yuan Xiang Chicken Essence. There are many flavors to choose from and I personally think that the American Ginseng flavor is suitable for my hubby. American Ginseng can help to replenish his energy level  and lessen the effects of fatigue(especially if he has been staying up late due to work and nursery planning :P). Worried about your kids during the exam period? Or are you feeling drained and weak after your menstrual cycle? You can drink this to boost energy levels too! However, do note that American Ginseng is not suitable for pregnant ladies, breastfeeding mummies or ladies during their menstrual periods.

There’s only so much that I can say, and nothing beats experiencing it for yourself. Go ahead, try their chicken essence. There’s complimentary sampling at their store at United Square. No time to head down? You can also order online here and they’ll deliver the products right to your doorstep. Psst…I found out recently that HK and Taiwanese celebrities such as Linda Chung, Sharon Chan, Barbie Hsu and Ruby Lin are fans. In Singapore, they count Tay Kewei and Leelian Chua as fans too.

No wonder all the products were completely wiped out when I visited their shop in Singapore a few weeks after their opening.


Tian Yuan Xiang


101 Thomson Road

#B1-24A United Square


Opening Hours:

10.30am – 9pm

Contact No.:

6200 6789

Click on the links below for more details:

Official Website

