AQUAGOLD Fine Touch, lovingly termed as the “Golden Cocktail Facial” by celebrity Kim Kardashian, is now available in Singapore, only at Clifford Aesthetics! I was privileged to be one of the first to try this highly sought after treatment that Kim Kardashian did before the MET Gala in 2018. I have nothing but positive feedback about the treatment, which left me with glowing skin, even when bare-faced.


AQUAGOLD Fine Touch is a skin rejuvenation treatment that involves the use of a micro-needling device which incorporates 20 gold plated needles to deliver multiple injections. Each gold plated needle is finer than a strand of human hair, thus making the procedure painless yet efficient. Skin loving ingredients that go into the device can also be customised by the doctor during a consultation to assess your skin’s needs.

Believe it or not, fillers and botox can be added into this concoction too! I asked Dr Gerard Ee if there was any difference between injectibles like botox that was administered in this manner as compared to a typical injection. I was told that the effects are similar but in the case of botox, your muscles won’t be affected as the AQUAGOLD device will only deliver botox to the dermis layer of the skin to enhance the appearance of your pores.
Besides minimising the appearance of pores, AQUAGOLD will also be able to help improve your skin texture and brighten up your skin tone.

The AQUAGOLD fine touch treatment at The Clifford Clinic ends with a massage, red and yellow LED light therapy and a soothing mask. Red light therapy promotes faster cell growth to accelerate wound healing while stimulating collagen production.

Yellow light therapy, on the other hand, soothes and calms the skin.

A layer of numbing cream was applied to my entire face before the procedure, hence the process was painless and very comfortable throughout. Another perk – there’s no downtime or redness, which makes it the perfect pick-me-up treatment before any special events. Here’s how I look immediately after the treatment, as well as a before and after comparison of my skin.

As the age old adage goes, there are no ugly women, only lazy ones. There’s really no excuse not to give your skin a well-deserved pampering treat when all it takes is an hour to achieve radiantly beautiful skin!